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Sunday, 15 April 2012

April Cowers....

Hello again - Guernsey Girl here - did I miss something? Oh yes. Easter. I manged to get myself an emergency admission to A & E last week when my spine went into spasm, so I wrote a little ditty' (with apologies to Robert Browning  and thanks to a large shot of morphine.)


Oh to wake in hospital
When  spring has just arrived
To hear the nurses's  merry chant
'Your brew's been there since five' 

To watch the onset of the day
Through windows locked and barred
To ask when the consultant's due
(now that one's very hard)

The physio looks hopeful
His folder clutched in hand
'Now why don't you get out of bed
And lets see how things stand?'

'I've not been down for my op yet,'
I say, my heart in bits
'But  I've ticked all the boxes
So should be there by six.'

The catering lady grabs my list
'No wonder we're behind
This one right here says shredded wheat
And you've ticked fractured spine...'


Gloria Horsehound said...

Thanks GG for stretching my face...with a smile.
Not that I'm glad you missed out on Easter oh no not that at all, but because even though lying in a hard hospital bed you managed to pen a HALF decent verse.


Guernsey Girl said...

Message from GG to GH: I think we must have got our crazy sense of humour from the same online shop.If you would like to borrow a stick-on Morphine patch from my collection you would then be entitled you to join the 'Dyslexic Poets Club.' We meet once a nortfight at the door marked 'If you have trouble reading this, try the pub next door. I hope I've made all this as confusing as possible... Cheers!

clo said...

I know the hospital wasn't the best place, but that verse really did put a smile on my face, and as for the poetry - not bad by all means, for I think that the talent must run in the genes!

Guernsey Girl said...

I'm glad you replied in rhyme -
For your logic is greater than mine
While you understand
What nature has planned
I just want to run in my 'genes!'

Elaineyross said...

It's delightful to know that after your ordeal
You're safely at home and enjoying a decent meal (thanks Les)
Your tales of th'ospital and and all of your trials
Have given us bloggers a 'bucket' full of smiles!
Well done you - I'm very proud of your determination and upbeat spirit. Keep on going.

Guernsey Girl said...

It been so much fun to talk in rhyme
But here's a reminder whilst we're online
For though there's no doubt that I'm now on the mend
And The morphine patches have helped no end
I can't wait for the day when the family lands
Armed with t 'Upbeat Spirit' and plenty of glasses on hand!

With thanks to my sisters big and small XX

Anonymous said...

Thats hilarious Froggy. Only a woman with so much spirit and determination could make us all smile when really it should be the other way round! You really cannot keep a good frog down, brillant! xx

Anonymous said...

Oh what a talented woman you are and with that upbeat spirit you will go far in your pain you have chased our blues believe me you will never loose so keep on doing what you doand your family will bring upbeat spirit to you p.s GET WELL SOON XX.

Joy Lennick said...

Excellent poem, especially in the rather trying...circumstances at the time. Talent shines through... Best wishes.