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Thursday, 11 April 2013


A friend of mine has reached that time in her life when  hot flushes have taken over from hot dates.
        'I'd rather stay in and read a good book,' she said to me glumly the other day.
        'Oh well, I said, grinning,  'I knew you'd see sense in the end.'
With sixty being the new fifty and botox available to the masses, I'm surprised anyone feels old these days. Our facebook pages are filled with adverts for anti-wrinkle treatments, 'fat tummy' busters, hair extensions and  lip enhancement, making sure we all spend our money on chasing our long-gone youth.

My daughter found an old book the other day about growing up in the war years, or more accurately, what life was like in 'granny's day.'  The granny on the cover was sitting in her rocking chair knitting, had grey hair in a bun and steel-rimmed glasses. I wonder what the updated version would look like?  She'd probably have died red hair, matching lips, a nose piercing and be posing in a  pink and green Zandra Rhodes dress. Oh, and be called by her first name, of course.

The other thing about oldies these days is that they tend to get married again, something that rarely happened years ago. The tabloids seem full of couples who got together during the war, lost touch, have  met up again and decided to share a seaside bungalow till the end of their days. And why not? Why should being old stop people enjoying themselves?

Meanwhile today's women's magazines are full of photos of actresses like Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman looking exactly as they did fifteen years ago. They don't eat, rarely drink, spend four hours a day in the gym and update their fiancés on a frighteningly regular basis. So what's going to happen when Hollywood runs out of' 'mature-looking' women? You never know - there might  be a chance for me yet...



Elaineyross said...
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Guernsey Girl said...

Not a bad idea at all, Elaine - think I'll just settle for being a shopping-lister, too!

Karen said...

It's funny but I can clearly remember my Grandma's fifty-fifth birthday, and what she looked like then - pleated skirt, grey permed hair... nothing like the fifty-somethings today. And she never went out, but spent evenings knitting in front of the telly. Thank goodness times have changed!

Guernsey Girl said...

Exactly, Karen - here's to being Forever Young! Ps - have just downloaded your novel 'My Future Husband' - so good to see it here now as well as in Germany...

anotherguernseygirl said...

Oh the joys of the menopause! i recieved a fridge magnet a few years ago and it said "Iam still hot but it comes in flushes now".

anotherguernseygirl said...

Oh the joys of the menopause! i recieved a fridge magnet a few years ago and it said "Iam still hot but it comes in flushes now".

Guernsey Girl said...

Thanks, another Guernsey girl, did you know you made that comment twice? Or do the hot flushes affect your memory, too? Only joking, it's lovely to hear from you. XX