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Saturday, 14 July 2012

This bread was made for walking...

I love all things French (it could be to do with my ancestors) so was amazed to see this French  stick in a  supermarket on the Fylde Coast recently. The  first ever edible walking stick maybe?

At the same time I discovered  the delectable  written  by an Australian girl who' s addicted to travelling round  France.

Do you think she'd appreciate my photo? Or would she dismiss it as a load of old boulangerie...?


Nikki - Notes of Life said...

LOL! I don't think I've seen a French Stick wilting like that before! :D

Guernsey Girl said...

And I've taken a lot of stick for showing the photo,
Nikki-ann I can tell you..!

Elaineyross said...

That's barmy - what a load of cobblers - ha ha!

Guernsey Girl said...

The yeast said about that the better...